BURG – projects

Untold Stories - Missing Biographies

In this course with prof. andrea tinnes and theresa schönherr, we looked at people whose stories and biographies are often forgotten in reporting or history books. I chose the director of the film ’nomadland‘. Chloé zhao gives a stage to a documentary story with an extraordinary sensitivity in this and some of her other films.

3rd semester


3 weeks

photo merge

We experience our world as a collection of many individual impressions. We try to capture these in individual, rectangular images. With this project I try to question whether a picture always has to have four corners and how the composition of many pictures can change its message.

2nd semester


1 week

one hour in one place

Johanna Jäger gave us the task of spending an hour in one place, observing it closely and taking photographs. This made what I normally walk past suddenly incredibly interesting. The pattern on the ground, the different people, the angle of the light…

2nd semester


1 week

questioning table culture

Why are we still so dependent on cutlery and crockery in our western table culture? How can we toast, share or transport food? Together with Marlene Thiel and Cornelia Karipidou, I have developed recipes that do not require tableware – but still leave questions unanswered.

4th semester


1 week

drawing in the botanical garden

2nd semester


1 week

are we a part of nature?

We often feel strangeness in nature because modern lifestyles have alienated us from the direct experience of nature. Technological development and urban living have estranged us from natural environments and made us less familiar with them. I wonder how we can find our connection to nature again, since we are so originally connected to it.

2nd semester


1 week

how does narration work?

The task was to develop a narrative from an abstract poem by Gertrude Stein. I combined images from my archive with excerpts from the poem and printed them on individual cards. The different combination of text and image shows the interaction of the two media. Through this form, the viewer has the opportunity to create his or her own story, which functions on the image and text levels.

2nd semester


1 week